Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pokemon Trademark Filing May Have Revealed More Mega Pokemon Evolution [Rumor]

It is possible that there are other Mega Pokemon that will be revealed soon, but a trademark filing from Nintendo and GameFreak from 2012 may have been the names of these Pokemons gaining Mega evolutions after all. Our Pokemon blog has more details after the break:

The trademarks compiled by AAPF suggest that all of the names of the Pokemon that were registered last year by both Nintendo and GameFreak. Some of the pokemon's names were already registered before, but have already expired, hence re-registered.

  • Charizard, Blastoise, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Jynx, Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Mewtwo
  • Ampharos, Scizor, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Heracross
  • Gardevoir, Absol, Medicham, Banette, Latias, Latios, Aggron
  • Abomasnow

Note that some of the Pokemon listed are already revealed to have mega evolutions. And since they were registered all at the same time, there is a slight possibility that they will all be announced to have mega evolutions.

I first start to wonder, that if these Pokemon will all be receiving mega evolutions that's why they were all registered at once, then why is there no Blaziken and Lucario? Should they have been there?

Then it hit me: It is possible that the names of Blaziken and Lucario are still registered trademarks of GameFreak. The Lucario movie was just some years ago. And it has not yet been ten years since Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire were released. Thus there is no need for a new registration. Which means that it is still possible that the names above will receive mega evolutions!

But of course, this is another rumor we have to treat with a grain of salt. They could be something else, like merchandise items and such. However, I have seen Absol Pokemon toys in the past. Maybe new toys will be made (with the new mega form!).

More on Pokemon here on our Pokemon blog, N-Handhelds!

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Which Pokemon do you like to have mega evolutions?

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