Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reggie Confirms Fire Emblem: Awakening Coming To North America

Yes. For all the clamor and all these stuff I need to write, this is the most important - Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America confirms to specific gaming journalists that Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming to North America. Yes. But you might wonder why they didn't announced it in their conference.

But it doesn't matter now. We finally hear an announcement, Fire Emblem fans! Cheer Up!

More details soon!

Rich from IGN
Stephen Totilo from Kotaku


  1. So exciting! Though I still don't know why they didn't make a bigger deal out of it at E3. I'm psyched for this one! 

  2. Michael VincentJune 18, 2012

    I actually thought they were going to announced it at some point. It is a big title to start with. :) Thanks for the comment! Much appreciated. :) :)


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