Monday, June 4, 2012

Atlus Will Bring Code of Princess to North America

code of princess box art

In Atlus' letter to the Faithfuls, it delivered a very welcome news - their localization of Code of Princess for the Nintendo 3DS. Here's the newsletter in all its glory:

Atlus to release Code of Princess in North America

We've been covering Code of Princess for a time now. From the very first time we wondered why Princess Solange was in her underwear while fighting, to the awesome opening movie and pleasing box art. What Atlus has done is like every fanboy's dream. Ha! We've also have to give credit to sites like Andriasang and Siliconera for covering this game for the English speakers, thereby making people have interest in it. Well done.

Atlus will release Code of Princess this Fall 2012


  1. Never heard of this but the name is quiet striking in itself. Code of Princess, hmmm!

  2. Michael VincentJune 06, 2012

    Well, if you like, N-Handhelds has lots of articles on Code of Princess. :) Type it on the search box and hit enter. :)


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