Tuesday, August 6, 2013

EX Troopers Might Be Localized if There is Fan Support

Capcom has confirmed before that the Japanese game, entitled E.X. Troopers is not coming to the west. A major issue in this decision is that the in-game texts in the game are all part of the background art. That means swapping Japanese texts to English cannot be done because, there is nothing to swap at all. So how can this game become localized?

Two words: Fan Input.

According to Strider supervisor Andrew Szymanski, Capcom does not need online petitions to demand them to localized a game. What they do need is fan input. They appreciate it if people go to community sites, email them, or tell them straight that people want these games.

Essentially, he means going to the Capcom Unity forums and show support for the release of the game. Will that be effective? Only time will tell. I've written something about localization before. Take a look.

N-Handhelds is both your Nintendo 3DS blog and Pokemon news source. Find more stories about EX Troopers and the Nintendo 3DS here on N-Handhelds.

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