Sunday, January 2, 2011

ONM's Most Wanted 3DS Games In 2011

photo credits to OfficialNintendoMagazine

Ever since the 3DS was confirmed speculations were high. At E3 the world was shocked to see a lot of third-part games confirmed for the upcoming handheld. What's more is the number of mature titles that will likely have an "M" rating - something that we don't see a lot in Nintendo handhelds.

The Official Nintendo Magazine has listed down the most wanted games of 2011. 

10. Metal Gear Solid: The Snake Eater 3D
9. Pilotwings Resort
8. Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright
7. Starfox 64 3D
6. Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles
5. Kid Icarus Uprising
4. Animal Crossing 3D
3. Paper Mario
2. Legend of Zelda- Ocarina of Time 3D
1. Mario Kart 3DS
 I will list down my Top 5 Most Wanted 3DS Games within this week so stay tuned.

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