Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Who Between Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle Will You Get in Pokemon X and Y

It has been confirmed some days ago that the original Kanto starters, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, will be appearing the upcoming Pokemon X and Y. Which one will you get? It doesn't matter which one you choose, as each of their final stage gets its own mega evolution.

Bulbasaur's final stage, Venusaur will have its flower bloom much more strikingly than ever. Other than the enhanced appearance, the Pokemon's ability will be "Thick Fat", the ability which allows it to reduce damage taken from Ice and Fire Type attacks. This is perfectly handy, especially to those who are on the competitive Pokemon battling.

Charmander's final stage, Charizard, will have the ability "Drought", which makes a Sunny Day for the whole battle. Unfortunately, Charizard won't be a Dragon type when it mega-evolves as it retains its original fire/flying typing.

Blastoise looks awkward when it mega-evolves. The single cannon looks awkward, but nevertheless it gains the ability called Mega Launcher, which raises the power of pulse type moves.

As we all know, Mega evolutions can happen during the battle and will only be for a short period of time. Still, some of the most (if not) are game changers. Think Venusaur's Thick Fat for this example. When Venusaur uses solar beam, then the opponent uses a supereffective fire-type move. Of course, with the new ability, the damage is reduced, allowing  Venusaur to not get knocked out, and proceed with the solar beam on the next turn.

So which of the original starters will you be choosing?

Buy: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y on Play-Asia.

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