Monday, September 24, 2012

Ace Attorney 5's New Gameplay Mechanic is About Emotions

Have you heard that Phoenix Wright is back in courtroom? Of course. But have you seen the new gameplay mechanic? Not yet? The website previously just mentioned about it in minute detail but thanks to people who played the demo at the Tokyo Game Show, we finally know what it is.

Kokone, Phoenix's new assistant has this gadget called Heart Scope. Simply put, it displays the emotions when use upon a person, for instance, a witness in the witness stand. The witness gives a testimony. You use the heart scope. The witness displays an emotion different from what you think he should feel, then press or object for more info.

In the demo, Spencer from Siliconera noted:
Shinobu should have felt happy or relieved because she wasn’t injured during the bombing, but she was sad. Pointing out this contradiction pushes the demo forward, but the demo ended shortly after that.
If we can remember, the Ace Attorney series has employed various quirky devices which aids in the main character's solving of the crime. We have the Magatama in the orginal trilogy, the bracelet in Apollo Justice, and that device Kay Faraday invented in Ace Attorney Investigations. I hope that Capcom can speed up localization of Ace Attorney 5 so that I can play this game and experience the new system myself.

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