Thursday, August 9, 2012

Japan Gaming Charts - Dragon Quest X Leads The Pack

Dragon Quest X
Don't think for a second that you didn't expect Dragon Quest X to debut at the top of Japan's gaming charts this week. With over 400,000 copies, it easily beats the competition, though previous news entrants like New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Pokemon Black and White 2 continue to stay strong. Here's the weekly top 20 in Japan which I got from gaming site Andriasang:

[WII] 01. Dragon Quest X : 420,311 (NEW)
[3DS] 02. New Super Mario Bros. 2 : 213,863 (644,048)
[NDS] 03. Pokemon Black & White 2 : 51,342 (2,525,465)
[3DS] 04. Demon Training : 29,170 (75,698)
[WII] 05. Just Dance Wii 2 : 28,553 (89,935)
[NDS] 06. All Kamen Rider Rider Generation 2 : 20,667 (NEW)
[3DS] 07. Taiko Drum Master Chibi Dragon and the Mysterious Orb : 16,394 (133,261)
[PSP] 08. Digimon World Redigitize : 16,162 (119,507)
[WII] 09. Kirby 20th Anniversary Special Collection : 15,414 (147,134)
[PS3] 10. Persona 4 Arena : 15,176 (132,494)
[PSP] 11. All Kamen Rider Rider Generation 2 : 14,530 (NEW)
[PSP] 12. Super Danganronpa 2 : 13,463 (72,575)
[3DS] 13. Kobito Zukan Kobito Kansatsu Set : 12,169 (38,315)
[PS3] 14. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 : 11,710 (99,219)
[WII] 15. Wii Sports Resort : 11,545 (2,946,049)
[PSP] 16. Nayuta no Kiseki : 11,030 (94,866)
[3DS] 17. Rune Factory 4 : 9,982 (117,495)
[3DS] 18. Dragon Quest Monsters Terry's Wonderland 3D :  8,672 (857,489)
[PSP] 19. Corpse Party The Anthology : 8,361 (NEW)
[WII] 20. Mario Party 9 : 7,996 (502,591)

All Kamen Rider Rider Generation 2
Rider Kick!
Look at that - Another Nintendo DS entry in the form All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 made it no. 6 while its PSP counterpart managed to land at no. 11. Looks at the sales of Terry's Wonderland. That is one reason why Square Enix's earnings report specifically mentioned the game as a driving force in their last earnings report.

Now, let's take a look at the hardware pie chart. Looks like the duo of Nintendo 3DS LL (XL) and the original Nintendo 3DS land at no. 1 and 2 expectedly, but the biggest surprise (well, not exactly) is the surge of Wii sales which were driven of course by Dragon Quest X:

3DSLL - 82,251
3DS - 42,164
Wii - 41,415
PS3 - 13,944
PSP - 11,824
Vita - 9,038
PS2 - 1,154
Xbox 360 - 981
DSi - 637
DSi LL- 405


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