Monday, July 30, 2012

You Can Unlock Deino and Chimchar in Pokemon Conquest! Here's How..

Pokemon Deino
From PokeJungle, we have a report on new Pokemon Conquest passwords that can unlock rare Pokemon in the game. Here's a list:

DNB3x2gCgk - Chimchar
8rf3XPwvJw - Deino
frCLRpXG88 - Ohawott
LTb3n3RYJ8 - Gible
RwGxLbHRRk - Liligant

The last two passwords are promotion from Nintendo Zone. So those who wants to complete Pokemon Conquest in the same way as I am, here's another chance to do so!

Deino art from above is taken here. This Pokemon is total cool, not just his strength, but also the design. :)

Source - PokeJungle

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