Friday, June 29, 2012

We Finally Know Why It's Called Bravely Default: Flying Fairy

Bravely Default Battle System
Thanks to the battle demo, we know that Brave and Default is the core system of battling of the Nintendo 3DS game Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. Check it out in detail after the break!

If you  use "Default," your character will skip a turn and stock 1 BP. If you choose "Brave," the character will use 1 BP + your regular turn. If you have 3 BP, then you can attack four times. 3 is the maximum number of BPs you can have.

There is also the concept of Negative BP wherein you can attack 4 times in one turn but will have to wait to attack again after 3 turns from the enemy (Since you use up 3 BP (which you don't have, but use anyway) + your regular turn.) If you can defeat the enemy at once, then you don't have to worry about them taking the next three turns. But if they didn't die, then the problem is yours.

The battle demo also provided information about the early strengths of the job classes. White Mage has basic curative spells, Black mage has standard battle spells too. The Knight can take lots of damage. Monks can do huge physical damage to the enemy and to themselves.

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will be released in Japan on October 11. Square Enix promises more demos to come.


Buy Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Nintendo 3DS) at

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