Saturday, June 30, 2012

This is How Pokemon Looks Like in 17th Century Japanese Art

Pokemon Wood Block Print
Take a look at these awesome Pokemon art that drew inspiration from 17th century Japanese wood block printing after the break. It was the first time that Pikachu really looks like a mouse and Charmander looking really like a weirdly-colored lizard.
Pokemon Ukiyo-e Wood Block Printing Japan
Whoah, is that Charmander popping out from that Pokeball which looks like an ancient bag? And it looks like it was being pitted in a sort of fight with the pikachu and the turtle, which is actually a squirtle. And I like to think that the guys at the upper right are Ash, James, and Jesse (I could be wrong.) Pokemon suddenly looks more violent that this trailer from Pokemon Black and White 2. But still awesome. Heck. This is art.

This form of wood block printing is called Ukiyo-e which, as I said, is famous in Japan back then. Well, it is, until now, albeit not as part of the country's pop culture but as a throwback to its unique culture.

This piece, along with others which are based from Nintendo franchises were done by the artist John Henry. All this will be made into actual wood block print straight from an actual master in Japan. Check out all the other prints on his Tumblr account.

P.S Everytime there is a new take in Pokemon art, I get happy. Whether it was a Pikachu cosplay, or a museum display, the fact that people continue to draw inspiration from the franchise is a testament to how beloved the series is. If you want another one, check out this awesome(?) Pikachu cosplay.

Crunchy Roll

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