Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kid Icarus: Uprising Creator Interviewed in Iwata Asks

In the latest Iwata Asks, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata interviewed Masahiro Sakurai, CEO of Sora Ltd. and   the maker of Kid Icarus: Uprising about the game's design and features. In this very candid interview, we saw things that generally states that Uprising is a Sakurai game.

Among things that were discussed were the following:

1. Sakurai's style in creating a video game is wherein he doesn't want to present everything in the beginning, which will put off people to say that the game is hard.
2. How Kid Icarus: Uprising is part-FPS and part-fighting game. He felt combos, such as those in fighting games limits the players attention to reaction, that's why he disassemble the genre and the reassembles it to make the gameplay tend to check the player's sense of reaction.
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising is not a casual game. It is a game for gamers to enjoy. When Sakurai was approach by Iwata for a request to make a game, he thought of a chance of reviving a Nintendo franchise that hasn't been around lately. 
4. There is a Fiend's Cauldron to adjust the difficulty of the game. According to Sakurai, this is another part of risk and return. You get better weapons as the difficulty gets steeper. Plus, the player's characteristics will depend on the weapons that he has. 
5. The lower the difficulty setting, the lower the level of the weapons and the hearts (in-game money) that you get. This is Sakurai's idea of risk and return. They made so that not only advanced players can enjoy the game. Anyone can play it. Iwata praised Sakurai because his games always have a way for new players to play it until the end.

Satoru Iwata and Masahiro Sakurai were once colleagues at Hal Laboratory where they make games such as Kirby's Dreamland and Smash Bros. Sakurai's next project for Nintendo will be the next game in the Smash Bros. series. 

Please read the entirety of the segment over at:
Iwata Asks : Kid Icarus: Uprising : My Style:

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