Sunday, January 1, 2012

5 Ways Gamers Can Help the Environment

Is your Super Mario playing interfering with your quest to save the environment? There are actually ways you can use your gaming to reduce or even improve the conditions on the planet.  To help you get a better idea, we have included just five ways gamers can help the environment.

  1. Chargeable batteries – Those wireless remotes are all the rage now, and what would video gaming be without them?  However, they can go through a pair of batteries in just a matter of hours, which is nothing to the serious gamer.  However, there are batteries that can be charged over and over made by battery giants such as Duracell.  Not only are they better for the environment, they are also better for your wallet.
  2. Unplug – Vampire power isn’t just the latest gaming craze.  It is also the term used for devices left plugged in that can still use power.  This includes consoles, computers, televisions, and more.  When taking a break during gaming, take a second to unplug literally.
  3. Buy online – Out to get the next latest game?  Why drive to a store and wait when you can buy it online?  Those who were going to the store just for a game can save the gas burned by buying online.  Other bonuses can often include free shipping and no sales tax.
  4. Buy environmentally friendly – Because each store and seller has its own policies regarding going green, check them out further before making your next video game purchase.  It may even surprise you to know that stores like Wal-Mart are actually taking a more earth conscious approach to business in response to consumer demands.
  5. Play green – The going green movement has even made its way into several video games.  There are a few Sims games that have the environment in mind.  Other eco-friendly games include Endless Ocean and even the upcoming Ecotopia.
Written by Shelly Mirriam

Shelly Mirriam is a science student and also writes for Masters in Environmental Science which helps students find the right environmental science degree.

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