Saturday, August 10, 2013

Senran Kagura Comes to US and Europe

Senran Kagura Burst, the action-platformer-boobsy Nintendo 3DS game from Marvelous Entertainment heads to western territories this fall.

Wow. Before 2012 ends, the Senran Kagura producer mentiones he'll wrapped the world in happy boobs this year. And here it is, the game comes just before it ends.

If there's one company which I think will release this game, I was dead sure it will be Xseed. And they did. While this game has tons of fanservice, it also offers excellent gameplay, according to the people who have played it.

I think the reason why Burst is localized instead of the original Kagura game is because this one also contains the first one. Strike two games in one, I believe. This can also make the game, albeit, priced higher. Well, I hope not!

And while I never thought it will be possible, it suddenly did. How I am glad to have a Nintendo 3DS. :)

Missed all my posts regarding Senran Kagura? Here they are. I have lots.

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