Friday, August 9, 2013

Pokemon Rumor - Mega Pokemon???

Mega Pokemon? Rumors are circulating about advanced forms of some Pokemons in their final stage.

(It's like MegaDigimons)

According to the rumor, these mega Pokemon will be limited (for now) on some Pokemon that are in their final stages. It can also be on Pokemon who doesn't have evolutions. The new Mewtwo form we knew before, is actually a Mega Pokemon, (again, according to the rumor). Some of those Pokemon who will be having this mega forms, include Blaziken and Lucario. It seems that when the Pokemon is in Mega Form, they will have the letter "M" attached on their names, like MBlaziken, MLucario. Mega Pokemons also have special abilities unique only to them.

While we wait for CoroCoro Magazine to finally be released, we can only assume this rumors as just that, rumors. Well, it is only a matter of days before the magazine debuts on Japanese stores. By then, we will finally know if this mega Pokemon thing is true or not. Pokemon X and Y hype is slowly building into a climax.

N-Handhelds is both your Pokemon blog and Nintendo 3DS news source. Find more stories about Pokemon X and Y and the Nintendo 3DS here on N-Handhelds.

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