Friday, July 6, 2012

Memory Link in Pokemon Black and White 2 Looks Interesting

Joe Merrick, the guy who runs the awesome Serebii Pokemon site contributes a blog post in the Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) about Pokemon Black and White 2. Calling the game as the best Pokemon game ever, I will believe him. Why? The guy has been doing a great job over at Serebii giving us news and resources about Pokemon for so many years. I will not doubt his authority in Pokemon

And the idea about memory link intrigues me like crazy. Here's what he said about it:
The two year gap has allowed for the addition of one of the best features of the game. If you're familiar with the Mass Effect series, then you'll know that you can use your save file in a following game and your decisions from previous games will carry over. Pokemon Black and White 2 has got a similar system called Memory Link which sends certain bits of data over to your game. Various characters will start referencing your character from Black and White and some trainers will have teams that are based upon your decisions in those games.
Be sure to check out the entire blog post at ONM here. It is a good read, I tell you.

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