Friday, July 20, 2012

5 Minute Demon Training - Answer Math Problems Displayed Earlier on the Screen

Five-Minute Demon Training requires you to solve simple and very basic math questions, but what you'll solve is the question preceding what is displayed on your screen. Challenge accepted?

In an article at Wired, it seems that the first challenge is called "One Back Mode." It basically means what I just said earlier - answer a math question that was previously displayed in front of you rather than what is displayed now. It might still simple. But the next challenge is Two Back - which means answering 2 questions preceding what is displayed. Now that, my friend, is a challenge.

And what's more, the game has up to Five Back Mode. Writing about this is actually making me sweat. Should I buy this game even though I think even answering Two Back might turn out to be frustrating?

The aim of Brain Age, according to it's supervisor Dr. Kawashima, is to speed up our working memory. Demon Training is to increase its capacity, or as he said it, the RAM to our working memory.

Seems like fun? A challenge? Perhaps both since the original Brain Age has 35 million units sold. Five-Minute Demon Training (5 Minute Training Oni in Japan,) will surely be a hit, especially in Japan, where majority of the population are adults. It will be released on July 28.

Source- Wired

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