Friday, April 13, 2012

Pokemon Black and White 2 Information from CoroCoro Magazine

Let's cover all Pokemon Black and White 2 Information that we can get out to the world right now. As expected, CoroCoro doesn't disappoint us, and Pokemon site Serebii listed everything that's needed to know. Credits to the scans from there as well. :)


Pokemon Black and White 2 is set in the Unova region. The time frame is 2 years after the events of Pokemon Black and White. There will be new areas to explore as well.

New Characters

There will be a new character and rival for this game. A new researcher, named Akuroma will be present in the game.

Gym Leaders

2 New Gym leaders - Shizui who specializes in Water-type Pokemon and Homika who battles with poison-type Pokemon.

Release Date:
June 23, 2012

More about Pokemon Black and White 2 here in N-Handhelds - Nintendo 3DS News Blog!

My Awesome Source: - Where Legends Come To Life:

1 comment:

  1. Pokemon has a lot of fans so i really suppose whatever the new pokemon character looks like fans will really buy and anticipate for it.


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