Apparently, it's not just in the west where Apple dominates. In a recent report from Nikkei, Apple is now the top consumer brand in Japan as well. Pretty good for a country where Siri means very awkward in Japanese huh?
Other details are that the iPad and 2 other Apple products make the list for the top 40 brands and that the company ranks second to Toyota in another survey about company effectiveness.
While the source article doesn't detail the results of the report, we can quite assume that:
Apple beats Sony and Nintendo. If we try to think it over, surely those 2 companies are in the list too, but in video game perspective, it can be implied that the company that Jobs and Wozniak built have already gained foothold in Mario's home turf.
Should there be a worry?
In another article of mine in my other blog which I will most likely delete, I had a report about Gree's founder stating in an interview that mobile games are very big in Japan now. Surely, Gree is a video game company dedicated to mobile games. They are really big now in Japan. It follows that there is HUGE market for mobile games as well, right? Then if mobile games are big, surely, the phones that carry them, are big, ergo, Apple may be big in Japan too.
However trustworthy Nikkei is, I still want someone who is in Japan who can tell me if Apple is really big in Japan. N-Handhelds is a Nintendo site, I know. This article does not exist to bring hate or whatever. But if there's someone who can confirm if Apple is really "everywhere" in Japan right now, please tell via the comments section below. That will surely be appreciated. Thanks much!
My Awesome Sources:
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