Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nintendo To Hold Online Conference Tomorrow

As reported by Kotaku, Nintendo will be holding another online conference later. Dubbed as The "Nintendo Direct," Company President Satoru Iwata will be talking to Nintendo gamers once again about news relevant to the Nintendo 3DS, the Wii, Wii U, and the entire company as a whole. 

Oh, but later is the proper Playstation Vita launch. Is this a ploy by Nintendo to get some attention over the Vita launch? Will the gamers choose to watch Satoru Iwata at Nico Nico or rather get their Vita early? While it can be safe to say that the Nintendo Direct conference will be directed towards the Japanese market only, it is safe to assume that what's waiting for them in the future will also be for the overseas market too (in the distant or not so distant future)

(Update, Reggie will have a Nintendo Direct too for North America. Nintendo of Europe will have one as well.)

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