Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm Excited for Fire Emblem: Awakening. What About You?

Fire Emblem: Awakening Marth
I cannot believe that we are now getting Fire Emblem: Awakening in just one month from now.

If you have frequented the site before (There's a 90% chance you haven't,) you probably know how I was in awe when it was announced by Nintendo last year, the theories I mentioned when Nintendo registered the game's title as a domain name, and how hyped I am when Reggie Fils-Aime trolled us by not announcing it at E3 2012, yet telling it to a selected number of journalists.

And what's more, Nintendo recently announced that the game will also be released on the eShop as well on the same day. This will increase the reach as to how fast people will pick it up. Not everyone can, or has time to go to retail stores, me included.

But I'll be getting Fire Emblem: Awakening on launch day and will probably play the heck of it. As the granddaddy of all strategy RPG's, yes, even Disgaea and Advance Wars, we 3DS owners are in for a treat.

So. Who's getting Fire Emblem: Awakening?

Also: Help this site by buying Fire Emblem: Awakening on Play-Asia