Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Smash Bros. Director Still Unconvinced With Adding Non-Nintendo Characters

Masahiro Sakurai have been very vocal about not wanting to add new characters in the upcoming Smash Bros. game that he and Namco Bandai are creating. Here's what he has to say with IGN:
"I think Snake and Sonic joining were fantastic. It made many fans happy, and it broadened the Smash Bros arena," he said. "However, introducing more non-Nintendo characters willy-nilly will lose the focus of the game, so I also recognise the need to narrow it down."
Recently, N-Handhelds - Nintendo 3DS Blog has reported that Tales director would love some of Tales characters to be in the Smash Bros. game. But of course, everything will be up to Sakurai. And it looks like the gaming exec is still not keen to the idea. Instead what he thinks is that in order to make the game feel fresh, perhaps new controller options might be implemented:
"The GameCube controller is not the only way to control Smash Bros., so we will look into ways that fits the Wii U."
"I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play."
Frantic gameplay can be done, perhaps, with new controls. Let's just wait and see what Sakurai and the entire Smash Bros. team has in store for us in the future.
Source - IGN

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